Tuesday, November 12, 2013


What did you look like?

I was tall (for my age) and I had overweight. With time, I got smaller and skinnier, but never skinniest. I was very hairy (in my head, of course), not like now.

What were your favorite cartoons and TV shows?

I liked anime (Japanese animation) a lot (but, I still like it), and American animation. I enjoyed watching Dragon Ball Z, Pokémon/Digimon, Saint Seiya, Hey! Arnold, and all the stuff from Nickelodeon and cartoon Network . I watched a lot of TV. It was (is) funnier than studying, or doing homework.

How old were you when you learned to ride a bicycle or swim?

I learned to ride a bike when I was twelve, it take me a lot of time! I don’t know why. I learned to swim when I was eight. I took classes in the university’s pool (in Talca). Swimming wasn’t hard for me, and apparently I had some talent, but I did never practice this talent.

Real photo of me when I was in kinder. I am the first from left in the top row.
Did you enjoy going to school?

Sort of, but not too much. I didn’t like my partners, they were very bully and annoying. But I was a very good student and I liked to learn.

Did you have a happy childhood?

I think so, but I think it was kind of boring, I didn't have a lot of friends, and I preferred to play alone. But all these changed when I enter to high school.

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