Tuesday, November 26, 2013

2013: Good and Bad points (so far..)

> Good things that have happened in your life

Nothing really amazing or different from previous years, yet. But there’s still one month left, doesn’t it? The good things of my life are still here, such as my girlfriend, mi family, etc. And my career keeps going.

> Situations that did not go so well
Some things about my friends. I got angry with three of them, for an affront they did to me in middle of the year. I’m not a rancorous person, but they haven’t asked me for forgiven till today, so I’m still in bad terms with them. But I don’t want stay like this, and it is a problem I have to solve yet.

> Your achievements in 2013
 I finished the most of the subjects of my career! There’re some subjects left, anyway, such as English IV, some CFGs (Cursos de Formación General, General Education Courses) and sporting or artistic subjects. There’s also the very last subject of my career before thesis, Seminary.

> Things you did not do (last term) / have not done yet / still have to do this year
Apart of the above, I have to finish my first book, I have to save money for Christmas, and I must solve the problem I told before. 

> Important news / event you would like to highlight
I finally bought my first Nintendo 3DS! (a portable console), and I bought for it the last Pokémon game (Pokémon Y). I’m in a Creative Writing Course. And I went to Black Sabbath live in October, and it was awesome!

> Any other comments
It still is a good year. I finished the hardest of my career, and I’m happy about it. I’m keeping my own way, and that’s refreshing for me.

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