Tuesday, October 29, 2013


Hey! What have you done to that plant?
-Nothing mom, I just cut a leaf from it.
-Don’t you think the plant suffers when you do this?
-Look, imagine this little hair of yours, it’s the leaf's plant...
-Auch! That hurts! Why you pulled out my hair?
-Because it hurts, what you think felt the plant?”

 When I was a young boy, I wasn't very friendly with nature. I liked to cut off flowers, plant, trees, and sometimes torture animals. My mother was who slowly changed and taught me about how to care nature and respect other forms of life. Now I like to walk outside, I like to get into forest and breathe the clean air from trees. I try to care of my dog (but it’s in Talca, so it’s kind of far), and try to consume less energy and water (but this last one it’s kind of hard for me). 

 I’m not an Eco-Hero, but I try to do my best, that’s better than nothing. Although, it’s more than what our politicians do about environmental issues in our country. In Santiago and in Chile there’s a lack of politics related to environmental protection. Here, the business has “open letter” to do whatever they want with the local ecosystem. This is a more complex issue than the impact of an individual on the environment. Maybe, I could help joining to an eco-organization, but I’m lack of time by now, ending my career, etc. I hope one day I could help, may whit money, or another kind of action.

1 comment:

  1. kids could be very cruel sometimes. I never tortured animals because I've always have pets, but I can understand that they do that because nobody tell them that's wrong. It's good that you changed! haha
