Tuesday, October 15, 2013


"Fukushima nuclear power plant cleanup takes its toll on workers":

The drama in Fukushima isn’t all about nuclear illness and radiation problems. This article presents the daily problems what the Fukushima Daishii’s workers deal with. Those worries are about possible ills that they can get working on the nuclear cleanup, they don’t know if Tepco (Tokyo Electric Power, the enterprise who owns Fukushima Daishii Plant) will take care of them if they get ill because of the radiation. Also they are worried about them families who have to leave Fukushima because the earthquake and tsunami, and, of course, the nuclear disaster. All this worries are producing different symptoms, such as depression, post-traumatic disorder, even alcoholism.
 This situation causes a low of the employers moral, what can brings to commits silly mistakes, and put their lives on unnecessary risks.

Tepco haven’t seen these problems yet. Tepco is stubborn, they don’t want the international help, they think this is a personal labor; they only want the government’s money. At this scenario, some young employers are starting to leave their jobs, and elderly employers start to ask for an early retirement. Others, search for jobs near them families. Even, older Fukushima’s engineers have offer themselves for the cleanup as volunteers, but the company doesn’t listen to anybody. At this point, a human meltdown is more possible that a nuclear disaster, says various experts. 

Link: The Guardian

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